“For it is up to you and meto take solacein nostalgia’s armsand our abilityto create the everlastingfrom fleeting moments.”

“You are enough to drive a saint to madness or a king to his kneesExcerpt from To Kiss a King by Grace WillowsComing this summer to Amazon Kindle and paperback.”

“God is the Everlasting Counselor.”

“Read this first volume and you’ll want to finish the next two–300,000 words in total–with the first 90,000 setting the stage for a life-affirming masterpiece, and characters you will never forget!”

“I am filled time and againwith a heart-aching wonder when I thinkof the fireand frost of memoriesof the everlastingnessof lovethe solace of familyand the power of prayer.”

“Huge difference between being happy at will, and chasing euphoric moments as an escape. One doesn’t cost a dime, the other will tax your soul.”