“From the dawn of civilization it is the will of Man that has propelled him forward. Man progressed from the brute in the jungle to the sophisticated being in the boardrooms of the top most organisations of the world. Man is obsessive. If Man puts his heart and soul into something then Man will achieve it. To strive till the end and get it. A Man doesn’t ever give up. A Man will work hard till the end. A Man will win”

“Wylan summoned every bit of bravado he’d learned from Nina, the will he’d learned from Matthias, the focus he’d studied in Kaz, the courage he’d learned from Inej, and the wild, reckless hope he’d learned from Jesper, the belief that no matter the odds, somehow they would win.”

“Life will never get better. It will only get tougher and tougher.But what will really change is, you know? My attitude, will power & perception!”

“Huge difference between being happy at will, and chasing euphoric moments as an escape. One doesn’t cost a dime, the other will tax your soul.”

“The only thing God is afraid of is a strong-willed human.”