“A man can live on his wits and his balls for only so long.”

“Solitude is a time when you go into a determined period of making the best of your time.”

“Your ability to overcome distractions will determine how long you can stay in solitude.”

“The amount of time you invest into your products determines the quality of the products.”

“Where can you find opportunities? Dissect your excuses and you will find opportunities in abundance.”

“The youth of today will never have the determination and the understanding of yesteryear’s youth.”

“Not all dreams are possible or realistic. When this happens you have to bade them farewell. This isn’t failure, but it’s a sign of maturity and learning on your part. All you need to do is rethink what you wanted to do, in the first place,and see what you can change.Then that is called determination and that, will lead to you having success.”

“I yearn not for the easy path, but for the right path.  For ‘easy’ and ‘right’ are rarely compatible.”

“If you concentrate on small, manageable steps you can cross unimaginable distances.”

“What are the four ‘D’ steps that ensure success?1) DREAM2) DESIRE3) DETERMINATION4) DESTINATIONFollow these four ‘D’ steps, never giving up or doubting yourself along the way, and you will become the person you were meant to be. And that’s YOU!”

“Those who are determined to succeed are those who eventually succeed.”

“New year, new blessing, new grace and new opportunities, never allow the failures of the past to rub you of the blessings in the new year.”

“In my view, he alone wins who does not desire to win, and he who wants to win loses.If someone is desiring and striving to win in life, it means that deep down he is lacking something, that he is suffering from an inferiority complex. Deep down, such a person is aware of the inferiority he is trying to cover through winning. And if, on the other hand, someone is not out to win it means he is already established in his eminence, there is not even a shade of inferiority in him to disprove by resorting to winning.”

“To succeed in the new year, you have to set your priority right, pursue your goals with zeal and do away with procrastination.”