“You must be determined to overcome the insults of the ungodliness of this world with the weapon of the light inside of you.”

“When what you are insulted by meets what you have a strong desire to do, then that would bring you significance.”

“In the aftermath of the recent wave action in the Indian Ocean, even the archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williamson [sic], proved himself a latter-day Voltairean by whimpering that he could see how this might shake belief in a friendly creator. Williamson is of course a notorious fool, who does an almost perfect imitation of a bleating and frightened sheep, but even so, one is forced to rub one’s eyes in astonishment. Is it possible that a grown man could live so long and still have his personal composure, not to mention his lifetime job description, upset by a large ripple of seawater?”

“Whatever negative things people think and say about you is enough to bring you down provided you belief that it carries a weight that can push you hard. Don’t agree to accept what critics say; be prepared to silence them by doing what they think you can’t do!”

“The bottom line is, insults only hurt when they come from someone I respect.”

“Remember it all, every insult, every tear. Tattoo it on the inside of your mind. In life, knowledge of poisons is essential. I’ve told you, nobody becomes an artist unless they have to.”

“There are many ways of being clever, but only one way of being wise.”

“You weren’t afraid of me when I was Wolf,” he said. “Why are you afraid of Nathan?””He’s got big feet!””What?”An insulted-sounding arrroooo came from the other side of the door, a reminder that Wolves also had big ears.”

“I’d heard you were dead.””I heard you wear a red lace corset,” I said matter-of-factly. “But I don’t believe every bit of nonsense that gets rumored about.”

“Her majesty is one verb short of a sentence.”

“Peter to Austin:”Hard-ons don’t make you think less. They make you think stupid. Which makes me think you must have one 24/7.”

“Hey, look—your girlfriend is saying something.”Artemis had a vast mental reserve of scathing comebacks at his disposal, but none of them covered girlfriend insults. He wasn’t even sure if it was an insult. And if it was, who was being insulted? Him or the girl?”

“You look lousy,’ he said. Jace blinked. ‘Seems an odd time to start an insult contest, but if you insist, I could probably think up something good.”No I mean it. You don’t look good.”This is from a guy ho has all the sex appeal of a penguin. Look, I realize you may be jealous that the good Lord didn’t deal you the same chiseled hand he dealt me, but that’s no reason to-‘ ‘I am not trying to insult you.’ Simon snapped.”