Quotes By Author: Anne Bishop
“The sweatshirt was big on her and she looked ridiculous. He liked it. And he liked that she was wearing something that carried his scent.”
“She’s magic, Cassandra. A single flower blooming in an endless desert.”
“Some men die for lack of love…some die because of it. Think about it.” – Daemon”
“The Dimwit’s Guide to the Female Mind might assist your efforts in understanding human females. But it must be pointed out that this subject can be a dangerous adventure and should be undertaken with extreme caution. After all, human males have been trying to understand their females for generations, and most of the time they come away from these encounters looking like someone stuck their tails into an electric socket.”
“Do you always ask me the same questions you ask him?””It depends on whether or not I get an answer.”
“You weren’t afraid of me when I was Wolf,” he said. “Why are you afraid of Nathan?””He’s got big feet!””What?”An insulted-sounding arrroooo came from the other side of the door, a reminder that Wolves also had big ears.”
“People who entered the Courtyard without an invitation were just plain crazy! Wolves were big and scary and so fluffy, how could anyone resist hugging one just to feel all that fur?“Ignore the fluffy,” she muttered. “Remember the part about big and scary.”
“Is that why you’ve been pushing me away? Because of how you look? […] I waited for you my whole life. Yearned for you my whole life. After Tersa told me you were coming, I spent seven hundred years searching for you[….] I never gave a damn what you looked like–tall, short, fat, thin, plain, beautiful, ugly. Why would I care about what you looked like? The flesh was the shell that housed the glory[….] Even if I couldn’t be your physical lover, there are other ways to be a lover and I know them all. So don’t stand there and tell me how you feel depends on how you look!”