All Quotes By Tag: Poverty
“Some of the common occurrences of injustice are the presence of poverty, starvation, gender inequality, neglected widows and orphans and the injustice towards other vulnerable groups of people.”
“You must know what to do with your time if you must become great in this life. You must know what to do with your time if you must fulfill your purpose on the earth.”
“You must choose what you do with your time. You must not just do things because everybody is doing them.”
“The difference between one person who is living in poverty and another person living in wealth is their understanding of what to do with time.”
“You must know what you do with your time if you must become great in this life.”
“The secret of all greatness is in knowing what to do with time. The secret of all the great men and women in history is that they converted their time into tangible products.”
“Your gifts, talents, and calling will help you to know what you must do.”