“But,instead of what our imagination makes us suppose and which we worthless try to discover,life gives us something that we could hardly imagine.”

“The time of solitude is actually an opportunity to make time work for you.”

“Many people who could not give their best because they were denied the opportunity. We must harness the capabilities of each person to encourage organizational success.” Ramesh Lohia and Pavan Lohia, Consultants, iSixSigmaKaizenPublished in Quality Quotes, Jun 7, 2016, Knowledge Center, ASQ [ AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR QUALITY]”

“Where can you find opportunities? Dissect your excuses and you will find opportunities in abundance.”

“Tomorrow’ is the thing that’s always coming but never arrives. ‘Today’ is the thing that’s already here and never leaves. And because that’s the case, I would much prefer to invest in today than sit around waiting for an arrival that’s not arriving.”

“If you have to repeatedly chase after someone when you have a great opportunity, don’t bother, if they aren’t responsive, they aren’t the type of person who’ll succeed at it anyway.”

“Time symbolizes valuable opportunity”

“New year, new blessing, new grace and new opportunities, never allow the failures of the past to rub you of the blessings in the new year.”

“Initially, inspiration can come from anywhere but to sustain inspiration one must take actions immediately before it fades away.”

“When Opportunity meets Preparation she greets her with open arms and they both say in unison, “Let’s do this!”

“Sometimes we can make our own opportunities, sometimes we can see them coming, but more often than not they are like pop quizzes, they are sprung on you like a challenge to test your skills, almost like a dare to see if you can take that leap of faith to make whatever it is a success. Wait too long, and an excellent opportunity might slip away.”

“It doesn’t really matter if you are left behind the back, but what matters is your capacity to pull and push everyone by your way to get to the front.”

“It is not time or opportunity that is to determine intimacy;—it is disposition alone. Seven years would be insufficient to make some people acquainted with each other, and seven days are more than enough for others.”

“If there is not an opportunity make one.”

“Life is full of opportunities. Every day and every night is an opportunity to create life anew.”