All Quotes By Tag: Proactive
“I say if it’s going to be done, let’s do it. Let’s not put it in the hands of fate. Let’s not put it in the hands of someone who doesn’t know me. I know me best. Then take a breath and go ahead.”
“Tomorrow’ is the thing that’s always coming but never arrives. ‘Today’ is the thing that’s already here and never leaves. And because that’s the case, I would much prefer to invest in today than sit around waiting for an arrival that’s not arriving.”
“Be suspicous of justifying comfortable scenarios.”
“Anything irreversible should be granted the ‘everything’ of our attention.”
“And when we stand in the middle of whatever wilderness happens to be ours, we look around and ask, what plan got us here and what plan will get us out? The former is likely the product of our ignorant contrivances, while the latter is a formulation of God’s phenomenal genius. And have we ever considered that we might be in the wilderness because we’ve confused the two?”
“Always try to be joyful and proactively benign to the people. By doing so everyday, people have no control at all over my mood.”