“Time spent in anger is a double edged sword. Not only is it a phenomenal waste of time, it also damages your health and thus shortens the time you have left.”

“An oil owner is someone who has claimed ownership of something that has been there for millions of years.”

“Be suspicous of justifying comfortable scenarios.”

“You’ll blame your conditions, others will blame your decisions.”

“One of the biggest obstacles to obtaining goals is not making a plan. If you really want to achieve something, write down a plan of attack right now.”

“Dying is a given, living is an option.”

“If you design a compelling future, it’s easier to push yourself because your vision will pull you.”

“Doing the best we can manage in the present moment is the pathway to a beautiful future.”

“Discomfort in the present is the path to betterment.”

“You are your biggest obstacle, but you are also the change that you seek.”

“When the truth hurts, create a better truth.”

“If you could speak to yourself 5 years from now, what would your future self ask you to prioritize?”

“Capitalism can no longer be viewed as a soaring success. And yet, the left wing and right wing are fighting, only accelerating their collective downfall.”

“Do not find or create a story that limits you.”

“Everyday is filled with choices. If you are looking for a wise choice, be kind.”