“Sqauash is the only game where you call your ‘opponent’ a ‘partner’, and both of you play on the same side!”

“No eres mas que una chispa en el momento del tiempo situado entre dos eternidades, el pasado y el futuro”

“Tennis taught me to take chances, to take life as it comes. To hit every ball that comes to me no matter how hard it looks, to give it my best shot.”

“Maybe if I’d agreed to do the debutante thing like she wanted. Or taken up pageants instead of riding jump bikes with a bunch of grungy boys. I’d always tell her, why can’t I do both? Who says you have to be either smart or pretty, or into girly stuff or sports? Life shouldn’t be about the either/or. We’re capable of more than that, you know?”

“Where can you find opportunities? Dissect your excuses and you will find opportunities in abundance.”

“Success may require a lot of days. But progress only requires one.”

“The sports, industry, trade, economy technology and science and waiting for your manifestation”

“Sports represent a shared vision of how we continue, as individual, team, or community, to experience a happiness or absence of care so intense, so rare, and so fleeting that we associate their experience with experience otherwise described as religious or we say the sports experience must be the tattered remnant of an experience which was once described, when first felt, as religious.”

“Have fun, and learn something.”

“No matter the disappointment, you simply cannot divorce your favorite team.”

“I didn’t cry when they buried my father – I wouldn’t let myself. I didn’t cry when they buried my sister. On Thursday night, with my family asleep upstairs, my eyes filled as Agassi and Marcos Baghdatis played out the fifth set of their moving second-round match.”