“The crack in your heart allows light in. ~ GOOD FORTUNE page 238”

“In a world as noisy as ours, only those who can isolate themselves will be able to think better and meditate better and hence have a higher chance of receiving innovative ideas and concepts.”

“Is there any success, without the soundness of mind?”

“I use this time to think.”

“There is peace in the present when one’s aware of how to manage what works for them and what drains them with a calm mind.”

“Time and time again, technology, along with advances in neuroscience and even genetics, seems to be validating things our ancestors knew all along by revealing exactly what happens physiologically during meditation and how regular practice can improve our bodies and minds.”

“when we look up, it widens our horizons. we see what a little speck we are in the universe, so insignificant, and we all take ourselves so seriously, but in the sky, there are no boundaries. No differences of caste or religion or race.”

“That (truth) which cannot be lived in daily life, cannot be true.”

“Listen. Listen to the silence. The silence between words. The silence between thoughts. The silence between breaths. Listen.”

“This moment is the only certainty.”

“When you surrender, when you let go, when you Just Be, you are granted the best seats in the theatre of Life. From here, you watch thedrama unfold. But you are not in it. You are not ofit. You Just Are.”

“Nature is our greatest teacher, of surrender, of allowing, of simply being. Every blade of grass, every flower, every tree remembers. This moment. This present. This is where life is.”

“Be still. Be silent. Be soulfully present. In love. With love. As love.”

“When you surrender, when you let go, when you Just Be, you are granted the best seats in the theatre of Life. From here, you watch the drama unfold. But you are not in it. You are not ofit. You Just Are.”

“I am like a deep, still mountain lake. The surface is a mirror that reflects the sky above. I await in tranquility for the breath of God to move across me.”