“Search for the good ways. And walk in right path.”

“I have no regrets. Every experience is the wrong-path is chance to turn to right route for the ultimate travel to the destined-land.”

“The absence of specific knowledge about success is the reason why your journey along the path to success has been halted”

“Dream well, because “Dreams” are always the path to make the best of what we have in this world called – The Life”

“Never misuse your God-given opportunities, it may be the path to fulfilling your destiny.”

“When every opportunity given to you is used to serve the people, you are on the path of life’s purpose to the fullness.”

“Perspective is what all matters for a path you look at!!”

“You need to encourage yourself especially if you know you are on the path of significance.”

“Don’t talk of Life as if its one big package of miseries – it is the very Essence within that passes through both you, and your enemies and every permissible illusion. Once you’re opened to, and are awakened to your TRUE NATURE, fireworks light up your path, irrespective whether it is a “Tariqa”, or a pathless one!”

“I yearn not for the easy path, but for the right path.  For ‘easy’ and ‘right’ are rarely compatible.”

“The path you do not take today is the path you will regret not taking tomorrow.”

“Where you dare to venture where you have not gone before, you will return somehow changed.”

“Sometimes the only path we can maneuver is from the bed to the bathroom. That’s okay. Let your journey be what it is . Just keep moving.”

“We navigate many paths each day, but how many sooth our souls and nourish our senses? Be aware of where you walk because the path you take can change your very essence.”