“I’m looking towards my future and enjoying every race, no need to look behind me because my past has been erased”

“Our scars make us who we are. Wear them proudly, and move forward.”

“Life has a cruel way of reminding one and all it stops for no one and simply marches on, dragging everyone with it.”

“… Saya telah belajar bahwa menikmati hidup secara penuh adalah dengan menjalaninya, bukan dengan terlalu memikirkannya. Begitu saya melepaskan kemungkinan terjadinya kekecewaan, hiduppun tak lagi bisa mengecewakan saya, malah menyodorkan berbagai peluang yang tiada habisnya.”

“Learning, empowering, studying, practicing, and not repeating the same mistakes will help you move forward, move up, and move on to where you want to be.”

“She understands now what she, in all her worry, had forgotten. That even as she hesitates and wavers, even as she thinks too much and moves too cautiously, she doesn’t always have to get it right. It’s okay to look back, even as you move forward.”

“Money and beauty are defenses against the sorrows of this world but neither can undo the past. Only time will conquer time. The way forward is the only way back to innocence and to peace.”

“I imagined it was far better to be optimistic, to proceed assuming wherever you could that you had cared enough, that you’d made a difference, that you would again. Dwelling on the worst was no way to live.”

“If a castle gets destroyed, you just build a new one. If you wanted me to I’d build them over and over. Let’s build them together.”

“Bad, or good, as it happens to be, that is what it is to exist! . . . It is as though I have been silent and fuddled with sleep all my life. In spite of all, I know now that at least it is better to go always towards the summer, towards those burning seas of light; to sit at night in the forecastle lost in an unfamiliar dream, when the spirit becomes filled with stars, instead of wounds, and good and compassionate and tender. To sail into an unknown spring, or receive one’s baptism on storm’s promontory, where the solitary albatross heels over in the gale, and at last come to land. To know the earth under one’s foot and go, in wild delight, ways where there is water.”

“Relationships are steppingstones for the evolution of our consciousness. Each interaction we have, be it one of joy or contrast, allows us to learn more about who we are and what we want in this lifetime. They bring us into greater alignment…as long as we continue to move forward and do not get attached to hurt, anger, or being a victim.”

“Sometimes we stumble and fall, it doesn’t mean we are failures, it simply means we are moving forward.”