“Carrying someone else’s weight is only going to weigh down on you and add stress, frustration, and pain. Choose who you work with and play with wisely.”

“The average artist has a naïve, unrealistic, and disconnected view of what the music industry is, how it works, what is involved in “making it”, and what actually is happening behind the scenes. Too many artists take at face value what they see on some TV documentary or read in a fan magazine. Whether you are working with others in a band, looking to connect with a manager, an agent, a label, or an investor, or you just want to work in the industry, it is more crucial than ever to know what you are working for and toward.”

“The most devastating thing artists can do to their career is get in their own way, and way too many people do. It’s not the labels, the industry, the fans, the cities, the economy, the social media, the marketing, the promoting, the “right time,” the music, or whatever other excuse you can come up with that determines whether you succeed or you fail. It is you—no one else.”

“If you don’t know your tendencies and can’t analyze when you are most effective, then how can you get the most done in the least amount of time with the best results?”

“Keep the momentum while you are moving to guarantee additional motion and momentum.”

“Marketing and promoting doesn’t come down to the likes, the pins, the plus ones, the followers, the fans, the friends, the views, or the plays online. Marketing and promoting comes down to the conversions.”

“Learning, empowering, studying, practicing, and not repeating the same mistakes will help you move forward, move up, and move on to where you want to be.”

“It’s not about the amount of time you put in, it is the way you spend the time on the work you need to get done. Saying that you worked ten hours on something that went nowhere is not really anything to brag about.”

“Are you joining a conversation or taking it over? Stay aware of how you join a conversation and of your effect on a conversation.”

“You can want, wish, and dream all day, but those that prepare, work, learn, practice, and problem-solve are the ones that find success in sports, business, music, or whatever.Back up what you want with doing the work it takes to get it.”

“Calling for change and being part of making change are two very different things. Stop calling for change and be a part of making the change you want to see.”

“Either be a good parent to your career or just give your dream up for adoption.”

“It’s time to respect yourself and your dream, both truly deserve that respect. be the person you would do anything for. Be the person you will not let down.”

“Putting time, energy, and effort into counterattacking your critics, giving rebuttals to bad reviews, or arguing with people who don’t like you or your business are all a big waste of time.”

“Don’t oversell what or where you are, especially in today’s industry. It is easier now than ever to be found out as a big-talking beginner or a liar. On the other hand, honesty is strength; use it.”