“When people fail to recognize your work just don’t give up yet. Because it’s not always about the recognition, sometimes it’s about the “passion” that we hold onto..!!!”

“Accept no limitations and you’ll have no limitations.”

“If you would command anything, be willing to cause anything.”

“It’s entirely on our children to build their best futures. Not on us, parents. And we should be imprinting this message on our children’s brains from as early as possible.”

“The secret is not following the right path, it’s following that right path to the end. Don’t quit, my friend, until you’ve arrived.”

“As you fight any war, sometimes the result may be defeat. Learn to be heroic even in your defeats.”

“When something looks impossible, don’t give up without testing its impossibility”

“Learning, empowering, studying, practicing, and not repeating the same mistakes will help you move forward, move up, and move on to where you want to be.”