Quotes By Author: Bangambiki Habyarimana
“This life is not perfect, live it to the full, it’s all we have”
“I am 1324512000 seconds old. In the cosmic blink of an eye, I will become once again cosmic dust.”
“Life has a meaning but do not set out to find out. Just live it out.”
“Life is a dream. We wake up when we die”
“You will always find all the time you need in the world to do what you love. If you can’t find the time, it’s not important for you”
“As you fight any war, sometimes the result may be defeat. Learn to be heroic even in your defeats.”
“When something looks impossible, don’t give up without testing its impossibility”
“Some beliefs are so strongly held that some believers are ready to lose their heads rather than the belief they carry therein”
“Sin is when you do something that is against your well-being”
“Don’t deny to the body what is naturally its right, not even under religious pretext”
“Many writers write because they’ve been there, seen that, did it and burnt their fingers”
“If I can write, who possibly can’t. Even drawing a line in the sand is writing”
“Don’t believe in everything that is written. Not everything that is written is true”
“One author said “I write because I want to live a footprint in the sands of history.” It’s hard to live a footprint in the sands of history when giants are passing through the same sands unless you are one of the giants”