All Quotes By Tag: Writers-quotes
“Bad choices make good stories.”
“… The Book is more important than your plans for it. You have to go with what works for The Book ~ if your ideas appear hollow or forced when they are put on paper, chop them, erase them, pulverise them and start again. Don’t whine when things are not going your way, because they are going the right way for The Book, which is more important. The show must go on, and so must The Book.”
“What I’ve learned about writing is that sometimes less is more, while often more is grander. And both are true.”
“A critic is a legless man who teaches other people to run”
“May your vision pull you until you have no choice but to do it. Keep pressing! Never give up on your vision. Never give up on your dreams! You are worth it!”
“You can have practically anything you want in this world, if you have great credit.”
“Some of my greatest successes in business are simply the result of taking huge, calculated risks.”
“Forget about how old you are, and get busy.”
“Get out of your comfort zone and go for it. I do this when I apply for lead acting parts in feature movies.”
“Stop now and decide to never worry again about what others think about you.”
“Start having more confidence in yourself, and others will do the same.”
“Have you noticed how prejudice still exists today. For instance, now they challenge famous people for their past achievements: People like Christopher Columbus and now even Vince lombardi. Nothing surprises me. I never grew-up with prejudices against anyone. I don’t care what color you are or where you came from. This sort of stuff to me never made sense. You see I grew up in a “educated family.” Education teaches you not to be so ignorant.”
“Have you noticed how prejudice still exists today? For instance, now they challenge famous people for their past achievements: People like Christopher Columbus and now even Vince Lombardi. Nothing surprises me. I never grew-up with prejudices against anyone. I don’t care what color you are or where you came from. This sort of stuff to me never made sense. You see I grew up in an “educated family.” Education teaches you not to be so ignorant.”
“Writers are made, they are not born.”
“Don’t ever rely on one job, business contact, etc for your main source of income. Receive multiple sources of income for success.”