“Knowledge is to seek, but not a job…”

“The father of doubts has a son of knowledge.”

“Just because your heart is beating, doesn’t mean you’re alive.”

“There comes a time when we realize that our parents cannot save themselves or save us, that everyone who wades through time eventually gets dragged out to sea by the undertow-that, in short, we are all going”

“It is wise to ask questions. The only way for anyone to experience truth is to find it on their own through their own seeking, experience(s), and inner knowing. The depth of knowledge a person obtains through experiencing something firsthand, and by it resonating as truth within one’s heart, far exceeds a belief taught to them using mere words.”

“The world keeps on spinning, repeating itself over and over until something changes, which it doesn’t because we can’t.”

“It’s just a memory of another time and place. Memories can’t hurt anyone, unless they are shared.”

“Deep down, I think everybody wants to be ‘the one’ to someone. I don’t know if I’ve ever been that person to anyone else – but I do know you are that person to me. You are the one. The only one. And you always will be.”