All Quotes By Tag: Deep-thoughts
“I believe in love at first sight…But it’s not the first moment you lay eyes on a person, it’s the moment you first see the person they truly are.”
“How I wish I could undo it all … take it all back…All those years I spent unhappy with him …. when I should have been looking for you.”
“My heart’s been empty since you left – but still I refuse to put up a vacancy sign.I’m just not ready for anybody else to move in yet.”
“I’d never dreamed anybody could love me the way he did. And even when he proved it to me time and again – I still could hardly believe it was true.”
“Perhaps I was easier to shake off for you because you’re such a together person. I was just an extra layer on the outside… like a blanket you could shrug off and feel just the same…. except maybe a little colder….But I was always a broken person that was haphazardly held together by little more than my own strength. And so you just seeped in the cracks and mingled with my insides until you became an inseparable part of me. And as painful as that is, it still kind of warms me to know I will always carry a part of you with me.”
“In a way, it was the same as any normal break up. You took what was yours …. and I kept what I’d had from before we were together…You took my heart …. and I had nothing…”
“They say “Follow your heart”….…. But I can’t follow you where you’re going…”
“Though it’s reasons to burn may vary… you are always the fuel of my fire.”
“They say the truth hurts. And these words hurt more than any I have ever written. But they are the truth – The cold, hard, undeniable truth.Not letting go doesn’t keep him with you.It’s still over. He’s still gone.… And nothing will ever change that.”
“It is the deepest of wrongs I am driven to write…. And losing you was one of them.”
“It’s times like this…. when it’s over a year later and I’m still crying over you that I want to turn to you and say: See…. This is why I asked you never to kiss me.”
“He looked at me like I was the stars when all I’d ever felt like was the dark nothingness between them.”
“It’s funny how we say a person ‘made’ us when they actually broke us.Sort of like how I say ‘funny’… but I actually mean sad.”
“Though life has fated that we never cross paths again, don’t ever feel alone. For we are parallel …. and I will always be by your side.”
“It’s the intricate details you miss the most. For me, it’s the soft lines around the eyes when he smiles… Or that look he gave me sometimes that I cannot begin to describe – but I would know it if I saw it again.It was the look that gave him away.I’d know that look anywhere…It used to be my everything.”