“The 7 Steps to Transformation:1. Dream it.2. Envision it.3. Think it.4. Grow it.5. Become it.6. Live it.7. OWN it.”

“Every day something inside us dies because we do not have the courage to follow our dreams”

“Never stop pushing for what you want! If something is truly important to you, stay diligent and find a way. Depending on whom you ask, the answer may be different. Never settle for the first answer! Do your own research, ask different people, go above other people’s head if you have to. Sometimes it’s necessary to push the envelope. Some people will purposely give you the wrong answer to try to stop you and/or hold you back. This, unfortunately, is a reality. Some people’s intentions are all wrong. Be mindful that not everyone will have your best interest at heart.”

“Too scared to fightToo afraid to open my eyesToo small to stand up for myselfToo awake to fight for my dreamsGod please teach me to be brave So that I can brave defeat”

“Everyone we meet has wounds upon their heart.Everyone is waiting for someone to scatter the seeds of love amongst their tears and to be patient enough to wait for their beautiful fragrance of dreams to awaken once more.”

“Participate in your own dreams, don’t just say what you want or complain about what you don’t have.”

“What are you prepared to give for your dream? If it is not everything…stop pipe dreaming.”

“It is hard to predict the growth of a man does not dream than it to calculate the progress of a sleeping man.”

“If you never dream to be, you’ll never become.”

“It is not needful for our dreams to be very grand nor very big. It is only needful for our dreams to be very shiny.”

“The only thing standing between you and your dreams is … reluctance.”