All Quotes By Tag: Entrepreneurship-quotes
“To ‘wow’ a client is to win a client.”
“Deep down buried in the cerebrum is you who is far greater than just the odd electric impulses that defines you. Recoup your-“self”.”
“Even during a mid-life crisis do not deviate from your goal. History remembers only those who succeed.”
“Your confidence, competence and belief will sustain you through the fear, uncertainty and doubt you will face. Knowing with everything you are, that you can do it.”
“The Overlooked Expert is the person who’s fully capable of starting and running a profitable business.”
“The business motivation behind creating a partnership is to dramatically accelerate revenue at a fraction of the cost.”
“Never stop pushing for what you want! If something is truly important to you, stay diligent and find a way. Depending on whom you ask, the answer may be different. Never settle for the first answer! Do your own research, ask different people, go above other people’s head if you have to. Sometimes it’s necessary to push the envelope. Some people will purposely give you the wrong answer to try to stop you and/or hold you back. This, unfortunately, is a reality. Some people’s intentions are all wrong. Be mindful that not everyone will have your best interest at heart.”
“You won’t accomplish or reach your greatest potential in life if your main focus is on what other people think of you. No matter how great you are, some people will form their own negative opinions of you. Don’t give your haters your time or energy! People that are negative, jealous, and envious of you aren’t worth your future. Go after your dreams with purpose and unwavering belief!”
“Average is common. Excellence is rare.”
“People that blatantly lie, cheat, steal, or manipulate other people to become successful seriously lack any kind of integrity. It amazes me how some people hold their head up high and walk around like they’re all of that, knowing that they wouldn’t be where they are today or have what they have if it wasn’t for some kind of corruption on their part. You shouldn’t have to do any of those things to get ahead. I am greatness! I vow to NOT compromise my character in any way, shape, or form while building my empire. I represent excellence and I have no desire to be anything less.”
“The key ingredient to being successful is YOU. She encouraged herself, she believed in herself, she loved herself, and she NEVER doubted who she was. Her ambition, perseverance, resilience, and self-motivation were consistent. She was her own personal cheerleader every step of the way… She is me!”
“No matter what the industry you choose to ultimately invest all your time and energy in, be sure you’re the owner, founder, and CEO. Remember, if you don’t own it, you can’t control it nor can you depend on it.”
“When you work on something that only has the capacity to make you 5 dollars, it does not matter how much harder you work – the most you will make is 5 dollars.”
“The echo of your silliness defines the speed and distance of your awareness; – keep wishing through actionable failures that reasonably calculate your success.”
“A little nothing you have is something to rely on for a smooth start. We walk in steps not in rolling.”