“People that blatantly lie, cheat, steal, or manipulate other people to become successful seriously lack any kind of integrity. It amazes me how some people hold their head up high and walk around like they’re all of that, knowing that they wouldn’t be where they are today or have what they have if it wasn’t for some kind of corruption on their part. You shouldn’t have to do any of those things to get ahead. I am greatness! I vow to NOT compromise my character in any way, shape, or form while building my empire. I represent excellence and I have no desire to be anything less.”

“You better celebrate yourself and your accomplishments! Go ahead… Get your celebration on! They didn’t believe in you, they didn’t support you, they talked behind your back, and they were secretly waiting for you to fail. Words of Wisdom: Don’t hold any resentments towards them! Appreciate YOUR success. Keep learning new things and bettering yourself, keep a positive mindset, and focus on YOU. Accept it… Your success is far from over! Build an empire. Achieve greatness. Leave a legacy. Can’t you see it?”