“It is truly ironic that a four-hundred tonne aluminium monster floats so effortlessly through the sky, and only the five-year-old thinks to say, “Wow!”

“If you don’t understand the price tag of something, the item is definitely not for you.”

“You should have goals so big that you are uncomfortable telling your friends about them.”

“You want to be able to say, for example, “I will know I am successful if these three things happen.”

“If you cannot tie your marketing efforts to actual dollars that the electric company will accept, it’s time to adjust your plan.”

“The most devastating thing artists can do to their career is get in their own way, and way too many people do. It’s not the labels, the industry, the fans, the cities, the economy, the social media, the marketing, the promoting, the “right time,” the music, or whatever other excuse you can come up with that determines whether you succeed or you fail. It is you—no one else.”

“Keep the momentum while you are moving to guarantee additional motion and momentum.”