“Formal business situations are likely to be the least revealing because these are the times when all of us are most likely to have our ‘game faces’ on.”

“A Bombshell’s constant struggle is living up to her God given potential while also battling in her mind the difference between her expectations and the world’s expectations.”

“Remember, you are not aspiring for perfection, Bombshell. You are aspiring for progress, one step at a time.”

“If you cannot tie your marketing efforts to actual dollars that the electric company will accept, it’s time to adjust your plan.”

“Sorry, Sister. You’re not “normal.” You’re exceptional. You’re a Bombshell. If this was easy, everyone would be a successful business owner.”

“Business is fluid and you can always improve and progress as your time and financial resources allow, and as your learningcurve shortens.”

“Hidden skills and knowledge are the essence of a successful small business. Unleash and leverage what is locked inside your head to help others while helping yourself.”

“Get off the treadmill of consumption, replication, and mediocrity. Begin lifting the weights of creativity, originality, and success.”

“When you work on something that only has the capacity to make you 5 dollars, it does not matter how much harder you work – the most you will make is 5 dollars.”

“The idea of receiving a letter from the IRS is not a pleasant one for anyone. What makes it worse is the confusion, the fear, the assumptions and the thoughts of all the worst-case scenarios that can make you feel like you have a tidal wave of stress.”

“Don’t ask for prices to fall, ask for your value to increase”