All Quotes By Tag: Goals-quotes
“Smash the Goals in your Life! You are the Unstoppable! ”
“Never stop pushing for what you want! If something is truly important to you, stay diligent and find a way. Depending on whom you ask, the answer may be different. Never settle for the first answer! Do your own research, ask different people, go above other people’s head if you have to. Sometimes it’s necessary to push the envelope. Some people will purposely give you the wrong answer to try to stop you and/or hold you back. This, unfortunately, is a reality. Some people’s intentions are all wrong. Be mindful that not everyone will have your best interest at heart.”
“Keeping the consistency in seeking knowledge and developing the skills towards achieving your goals are the most important steps in making your dreams come into reality.”
“Focus on your goals, not your fear.”
“Life has no meaning without a goal or passion!”
“Think about your future in a positive way and you will move towards your goals”
“First you must want it. You must want it so much, it hurts. You must want it so much that it hurts and causes you sleepless nights. And when you ever get to sleep, it brings you nightmares. This kind of wanting is called passion. It is an intense desire that burns so much you can hardly stand yourself.”
“Progress is a vague concept, if there is no vision to progress towards.”
“What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.”
“Why settle for a lesser vision? When you are destiny for greatness!”
“Be grateful for what you already have while you pursue your goals.”