“No man can be skillful without first investing his time into relentless rehearsals.”

“Our world is filled with people who have only a shallow knowledge of certain skills and have remained like that for so many years without self-improvement”

“Most people have not become better than they were five years ago because people hardly invest time into improving their knowledge, skills, and talents.”

“To become a king of that territory, you must not allow any of your time pass without converting it into building your skills in that area of life.”

“To become the king of your territory you must not allow any of your time pass without converting it into building your skills in that area of life.”

“Move out of your comfort zone, develop those necessary skills and go all out for that much needed advancement!”

“If you convert your time into acquiring skills, you will be skillful”

“If you invest your time in skills, it can make you skillful”

“It is the investment of time into perfecting a skill or skills that gives birth to celebrities, billionaires, inventors, entrepreneurs, Olympic gold medalists and so on”

“You must develop your skills with excellence”

“Develop your skills”

“You have got to convert your time to nurture your skills and great”

“You can improve your skills; you can be the best”

“If you are gifted in everything in you read can be converted into improving your skills”

“Work increases and improves your skills and abilities”