“You require a certain amount of insanity to make your dreams come true!”

“Always keep believing, hoping, seeking, working, helping, forgiving, understanding and loving and your life will be meaningful. But don’t forget to be always vigilant about eagles, crows and vultures around you. In a flash, they may pounce and pinch your peace, prosperity, joy and happiness, blur your vision with their filthy wings, vilify your fame with dirt and halt your progress.”

“Dear Change,My fear of the unknown finally outweighed my fear of the familiar.”

“Don’t let fear interfere. It’s how you use your fear that counts. Don’t let it exhaust you -let it excite you. Change the narrative. You only get one life.”

“The only secret to success is…YOU!”

“Lack of a formal education is a death sentence to some and an opportunity to explore for others”

“Stand for something. Make your life mean something. Start where you are with what you have. You are enough.”

“Today, I am doing well in every aspect of my life. But, this is only because I’ve realized that I can do it.”

“If you skipped some chapters in a book it wouldn’t make much sense would it? Allow your story to unfold and connect as it should with faith that better chapters are ahead.”

“I believe in others because someone believed in me.”

“People around you will not have faith in you unless you have faith in yourself.”

“Each new breath is an opportunity to try againDon’t hide from life.Whatever happens we are far greater than any problem that we are facing.Look around you,You see the sky, the flowers, the beauty, the people, absolutely everything around you Is showing you that you are still alive, And that you are still needed here.”