All Quotes By Tag: Believe-in-yourself
“If you don’t give up on something you truly believe in, you will find a way.”
“Don’t let others tell you what you can’t do. Don’t let the limitations of others limit your vision. If you can remove your self-doubt and believe in yourself, you can achieve what you never thought possible.”
“Live the Life of Your DreamsWhen you start living the life of your dreams, there will always be obstacles, doubters, mistakes and setbacks along the way. But with hard work, perseverance and self-belief there is no limit to what you can achieve.”
“Believe in your infinite potential. Your only limitations are those you set upon yourself.”
“If you believe very strongly in something, stand up and fight for it.”
“Believe in yourself. You are braver than you think, more talented than you know, and capable of more than you imagine.”
“If you truly want to be respected by people you love, you must prove to them that you can survive without them.”
“The only person who can pull me down is myself, and I’m not going to let myself pull me down anymore.”