All Quotes By Tag: Optimism
“Think about every good thing in your life right now. Free yourself of worrying. Let go of the anxiety, breathe. Stay positive, all is well.”
“Just because you don’t like peanut butter doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t like . . . peanuts.”
“When in a frying pan, thank your stars. You will reminisce about it moments later, when you fall in the fire.”
“When we face every challenge with optimism and learn to fail with our heads up, a great attitude is always success, no matter the outcome.”
“Good advice for anyone wanting to make an impact with a product, a service or even a message is to differentiate yourself.”
“If I get up every day with the optimism that I have the capacity for growth, then that’s success for me.”
“I’m not much but I’m all I have.”
“Nunca había dado muestras de ser religiosa ni optimista, esa forma laica de ser supersticioso.”
“I trust, and I recognize the beneficence of the power which we all worship as supreme- Order, Fate, the Great Spirit, Nature, God. I recognize this power in the sun that makes all things grow and keeps life afoot. I make a friend of this indefinable force…this is my religion of optimism.”
“Gratitude is the kindling for Peace.”
“You have to dream big before doing big”
“I feel like a millionaire on the back of an armored jet-ski my samurai girlfriend who loves me is charging at a cartel speedboat to win a game of chicken. Isn’t this the day’s best part? You don’t even have to remember to enjoy it. It enjoys you into itself.”
“Seeing the mud around a lotus is pessimism, seeing a lotus in the mud is optimism.”
“Life curses some poor people with the love of luxury, while it blesses some with the very same thing.”
“Self-assurance reassures others and reassures yourself.”