“Only people who believe deeply and almost fanatically in a dream can struggle so hard with inner doubt and conflict, and without losing, in the presence of frequent disagreement on particulars, a deep sense of purpose and mutual respect.”

“Life can seem like a gloomy wait in the thick of black shadows.And still there are those who smile at the darkness, anticipating the beauty of an eventual sunrise.”

“After all of this you’re still ‘Rayhan the Chivalrous’, full of hope and optimism?”

“I imagined it was far better to be optimistic, to proceed assuming wherever you could that you had cared enough, that you’d made a difference, that you would again. Dwelling on the worst was no way to live.”

“Self-acceptance is the basis of a happy life.”

“On a mental level, kindness and compassion give rise to lasting joy.”

“We can show love, respect for others, and honesty in whatever we do to help humanity.”

“If in day to day life you lead a good life, honestly, with love, compassion, and less selfishness, then automatically you will find peace.”

“Stay forever enthusiastic about your desirable dreams.”

“Inner beauty, warm-heartedness and compassion, is what brings about peace of mind.”

“The optimist’s hope and the pessimist’s despair: reciprocal illusions.”

“Positive emotions like compassion and loving kindness engender in us a deep sense of peace and serenity, and benefits others as well.”