“My father told me once “Son, there are only two kinds people that can do whatever they want in life. Kings and fools.”. So I decided to be a King.”

“To “Move On” does not mean to stop caring, it means I can’t keep everyone happy.To “Move On” is not to cut myself off, it’s the realization I can’t control others.To “Move On” is not to reject, but to accept every change in life graciously.To “Move On” is not to feel powerless, but to accept that the outcome is not in my hands.To “Move On” is not to be protective, but to permit myself to face reality.To “Move On” is not to escape, but to search my own shortcomings and correct them.To “Move On” is not to deny anything, but to take each day as it comes, and cherish it fully.To “Move On” is not to forget the past, but to grow wiser and live for Now.”

“If I knew then what I know now I guess it’d make no difference; Fate’s sure in the way somehow. What’s important is the essence. Although we still have free will We also have a whole lot to deal.”

“You alone own your story. Do not let another tell it, and if you find yourself in the company of one determined to rewrite your words or own your narrative, fight like hell until you hold it again. There is little in life that is solely ours. Your story is one of those priceless few things. It is beyond precious. The people meant to be In your life will only strengthen your voice, not take it from you.”

“Do not settle for living a version of your life designed by another. You are not meant to be gatekeeper or the holder of secrets and shame. You are here to live free and clear and into your own wide open truth. If you are spending too much time around people who expect otherwise you will begin to notice a feeling of constriction. Sometimes the life we create can be come a cage of our own making. Sometimes we stifle our truths to make others comfortable. Do not sacrifice your own comfort and freedom for that of another. The price you pay for this is too high. Define your own space. Remember your own divinity. You have a responsibility to this existence to live in fullness of your truth and art and purpose. Do not be diminished by circumstance or opinion or judgement. Your story is your own; nobody can write it but you. You hold the paper, you choose the pen, and you write your life story the way only you can. So, if someone tries to build you a box, rip that fucker apart and use the wood to build yourself a stage, then ditch your indoor voice and sing it loud. People are not meant to live quietly in small containers no matter how beautiful. A gilded cage is still confinement. You are a wild child – only the open air of freedom will do.”

“Gnan’ [True Knowledge, Knowledge of one’s own self], is freedom itself. It keeps one in Moksha [liberated state] and prevents [karmic] bondage.”

“Aku rindu hari ketika kita bisa melakukan segala sesuatu tanpa perlu memikirkan alasannya.”

“Heaven will always support your godly move; be it a righteous cause or be it a desire to see people free from what has held them down.”

“When someone finds his or her mind is not free or in mental bondage, such a person might as well not be free physically.”

“If a person is not free, his right is restricted.”

“Your right in a civilized society is to have freedom.”

“If you are really angry, then you must be willing to pay the price of being alone or be remanded for someone else to have their freedom, illumination and justice.”

“There is no one or group of people that would ever be free from bondage without making room for a change.”

“I do not know what came first, the brown-nose worker or the arrogant boss; I simple hate it and I not be part of it.”

“- Non le succede qualche volta, guardando la forma del fuoco, di provare una strana sensazione? – chiese a Miyake.- Cioè?- Sentire in modo stranamente preciso delle cose che nella vita di tutti i giorni di solito non percepiamo. Non so come dire…non sono brava a esprimermi, ma a stare così a guardare il fuoco, senza alcuna ragione provo una sensazione di pace.Miyake ci pensò su.- La forma del fuoco è libera. E siccome è libera, chi la guarda può vederci qualunque cosa. Se lei guardando il fuoco prova una sensazione di pace, è perché la sensazione di pace che ha dentro ci si riflette. Capisce cosa intendo?- Sì.- Però, non si può dire che questo succeda guardando le fiamme di qualsiasi fuoco. Perché accada, le fiamme devono essere libere.”