All Quotes By Tag: Freedom
“- Lei non è di quella zona? – gli chiese il fotografo che viaggiava con lui.- Sì, – rispose.Tuttavia non telefonò ai suoi. Junpei prese l’aereo e ritornò a Tokyo e alla sua solita routine. Non accendeva la televisione e non apriva i giornali. Quando si parlava di terremoto, taceva. Era un’eco da un passato morto e lontano. Dopo la laurea non aveva mai più messo piede in quella città. Ma ciononostante le immagini di quel paesaggio in rovina avevano riaperto in lui ferite nascoste. Sembrava che quel disastro immane, fatale, stesse modificando impercettibilmente ma inesorabilmente diversi aspetti della sua vita. Provava un profondo senso di solitudine, mai avvertito prima.Non ho nessuna radice, pensava, non sono legato a nulla.”
“Solitude sets you free from the rat race of life.”
“An approach, according to which children should fulfil their parents’ dreams/ do everything in order to make their parents happy/ provide their parents with a peace of mind, or whatever they want for themselves – because they owe it to them for all those years in which their parents took care of them – is utterly selfish.”
“People have a much greater chance of finding something they’ll enjoy doing and making those greatest contributions when they trust themselves and are free to make their own life choices (are not marionettes in the hands of their parents).”
“Freedom, I thought, comes only to the successful”
“Stairs to success are made of people.”
“It’s easy to reach the top. You have to bow.”
“Employment steals the freedom to create, freedom to add value and freedom to become”
“Pursue your transformation from a place of freedom and peace.”
“If you have time, you can become anything”
“There is nothing you cannot become if you convert the wealth of time”
“True freedom is when you are the one deciding the value that your minute or hour is creating”
“True freedom is when you are directing and channeling every minute and hour into desired products”
“True freedom is when you are using every one of your minute to do and to create precise concrete values”
“True freedom is when you are able to plan every minute”