“It’s easy to reach the top. You have to bow.”

“Sometimes the reality of life is so clear and innocent that you want to slap yourself as hard as you can. Because how many tons of absurd and complex definitions you had been carrying all along about it.”

“The teacher took two long strides and stood beside Parker’s desk. Before the boy could speak, Mr. Earl threw the desktop open. For a second, he stared into it. A white glow reflected off his face.“What is this?” he said, as he reached toward the brightness. “Careful, Mr. Earl,” Parker started to say, but it was too late.The teacher screeched before lurching against the desk. He went down quickly, his feet vanishing into the desk last.”

“THE POLITICIANIf it wasn’t for graft, you’d get a very low type of people in politics. Men without ambition. Jellyfish!CATHERINEEspecially since you can’t rob the people anyway.THE POLITICIANSure…How was that?CATHERINEWhat you rob, you spend. And what you spend goes back to the people. So where’s the robbery? I read that in one of my father’s books.THE POLITICIANThat book should be in every home!”

“You keep seeing your picture on posters that you are missing but you’re not. That’d be weird, right? Or say you look down at the sidewalk and earthworms are spelling your name. Or you open a peanut bag and the ‘hello’ is written in your writing on the inside of the shell. Would that weird ya?”

“Robot BoyMr. an Mrs. Smith had a wonderful life.They were a normal, happy husband and wife.One day they got news that made Mr. Smith glad.Mrs. Smith would would be a momwhich would make him the dad!But something was wrong with their bundle of joy.It wasn’t human at all,it was a robot boy!He wasn’t warm and cuddlyand he didn’t have skin.Instead there was a cold, thin layer of tin.There were wires and tubes sticking out of his head.He just lay there and stared,not living or dead.The only time he seemed alive at allwas with a long extension cordplugged into the wall.Mr. Smith yelled at the doctor,”What have you done to my boy?He’s not flesh and blood,he’s aluminum alloy!”The doctor said gently,”What I’m going to saywill sound pretty wild.But you’re not the father of this strange looking child.You see, there still is some questionabout the child’s gender,but we think that its fatheris a microwave blender.”The Smith’s lives were now filledwith misery and strife.Mrs. Smith hated her husband,and he hated his wife.He never forgave her unholy alliance:a sexual encounterwith a kitchen appliance.And Robot Boygrew to be a young man.Though he was often mistakenfor a garbage can.”

“The phrase ‘popular science’ has in itself a touch of absurdity. That knowledge which is popular is not scientific.”

“I smell blood and an era of prominent madmen.”

“Wrinkles only exist in the mirror. Break the mirror and the wrinkles are gone.”

“Voodoo GirlHer skin is white cloth,and she’s all sewn apartand she has many colored pinssticking out of her heart.She has many different zombieswho are deeply in her trance.She even has a zombiewho was originally from France.But she knows she has a curse on her,a curse she cannot win.For if someone getstoo close to her,the pins stick farther in.”

“Religion. It’s given people hope in a world torn apart by religion.”

“A man devoid of hope and conscious of being so has ceased to belong to the future.”

“If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.”

“God is the supreme uncreated light of which Wisdom is born, but there was never a time when God’s Wisdom did not exist.”

“To confess?! But what if the priest snitched me to God?”