“All achievements – all feats of excellence, rise from the protoplasmic realm of the brain.”

“You are your mind, so if you can see it, you can achieve it.”

“Real religion can only be realized by lion-hearts who have the guts to go against all predominant prejudices of the society, not by sheep of books.”

“Religion and politics together is the most dangerous of all combinations, when that religion, is not the true religion of kindness and love, but the religion of books, doctrines and priests.”

“La Religion ne signifie pas obéir à certaines règles issues de livres écrits il y a des centaines ou des milliers d’années. La Religion signifie la réalisation du soi.”

“Theism is a conclusion, so is atheism – none of these two conclusions is the product of serious investigation – one is born from the human’s primitive urge to believe, and the other is born from the human’s comparatively modern arrogance of radical reasoning. Neither of them truly wants to understand – rather both of them want to conclude on a matter that requires infinite patience, perseverance and naivety.”

“It’s ridiculously easy to fall in love, even the animals can do that – what’s hard is to sustain that love for life, which most animals can’t do, but the humans can.”

“No field of human excellence can progress without a genuine humane conscience driving it in the right direction.”

“The efforts to rise from darkness into light, from ignorance to knowledge, from prejudices to free thinking, make us real wise beings.”