“She nodded, grabbed her purse out of the drawer and skedaddled, walking like she was on a catwalk, one foot in front of the other, her ass swaying under the skirt of her expensive, tailored suit.Bitch. I thought again, watching her go.“No comparison,” Luke said after the door closed behind Dawn and I turned to him.“Excuse me?”“Dawn’s a man eater. You’re not. No comparison,” Luke answered and I didn’t know how to take that.“Is that good?”The half-smile came back.“Most men prefer to do the eating.”Holy fucking cow.”

“No one is actually dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away…”

“…they say [Finn] has tasted the Nuts of Wisdom.” Elatha laughed. “Perhaps the Nuts of Wisdom will gird him against your sister.”

“Fat men take a cushion with them wherever they go.”

“Never say no to now”