“Being broke is part of the journey. Staying broke is a fucking choice.”

“No one is to blame for your future situation but yourself. If you want to be successful, then become “Successful”.”

“Take a leap of faith on your dreams, not for me and not for the society, just for yourself.”

“Talk is cheap for the man who boasts his worth, you don’t have to take my word to know who i am.”

“When the results are not there, work. When the results are there, work.”

“People who are going to be successful know it’s gonna happen. And those people tend to hustle until it does happen.”

“You do not need to commit yourself 24/7 to building your dream. You do need to commit to making every hour you work on your dream to be as effective and productive as possible……So you can have the life you always wanted before, during and after your dream comes to fruition.”

“It’s ok to be a fool once or twice but never let it be a third time. Be smart and pretend to be a fool and at the end of the hunt make sure you’re the one that has the gun.”