“Issues or fears of confrontation tend to showcase unhealthy and unprofessional communication. If you are trusting someone to tell you all the good, bad and ugly, but they only give you the good out of their fears and confrontational issues… the bad and the ugly can grow worse and worse quickly.”

“If someone is trying to sell you with only past credentials and older accolades without including present examples and up to date proof, you might be dealing with someone that is sharing expired information and does not have the up to date knowledge to help you.”

“Communication and a clear mutual understanding between two people or more can help to build the best route to success in any venture.”

“If you are saying the same thing as everyone else, then why would and why should anyone think you are different from everyone else?”

“Demanding change and justice is worlds different from devoting time and efforts to making those changes and creating that justice.”

“Stop drowning your dreams by jumping into waters that you are unable to swim in.”

“Before you jump back up on that horse that threw you off, take a minute to figure out why you got tossed in the first place.”

“Your volume speaks volumes. Be aware of your dynamics, your tones as well as the loudness and softness of your voice on the phone and in person.”

“If you are not presenting your message with confidence and self-belief, why should anyone have confidence or belief in your message?”

“It is ironic how those so hungry for an honest opinion are so quickly offended by that honesty. If you are not ready to hear the bad with the good, do not ask.”

“Breathe and wait ten seconds before you put up that post. Is that content good for today, tomorrow, next week, next month and next year? If not, alter it, to create a professional endurance to your content”

“The weak hype of analytics without the stronghold of conversions to sales and profits is not something to promote. Stop hyping the online numbers and start delivering better content and engagement to create the true physical sales numbers.”

“Your lack of attention to detail is why no one is paying attention to you.Professionalism, communication and follow through builds real success.”

“Do not hide, duck or cover when you are asked to give an answer or information that someone is not going to like. Answer the questions, even if the answers are not what others want to hear.”

“Managing to follow through for a day is good. But, managing to follow through every day, for days, weeks and months creates authentic and consistent results.”