“Your limits may appear as brick walls blocking the path to your dreams but if you have the courage to push your limits you will find that they are delicate curtains that move aside at a single touch. Limitations are but false images created in fear and defeated through bravery. Be brave.”

“There are no limits in life. Anything and everything can be overcome with a mental fortitude.”

“Let your self-liberation break the law of gravitation…”

“There is a limit to how much you can embrace a moment. But there is no limit to how much you can appreciate it.”

“It comes down to ‘fear’ and ‘faith’. ‘Fear’ of what stands in front of me. ‘Faith’ in believing that the resources I possess can handle what stands in front of me. If I stop at the former, I will change nothing. If I embrace the latter, I can change everything.”

“Any attempt to engineer or plan your own enlightenment is doomed to failure because it will be ego driven. You will only see what you have already decided to look for, and you cannot see what you are not ready or told to look for. So failure and humiliation force you to look where you never would otherwise. . . . So we must stumble and fall, I’m sorry to say.”

“with limits, you have to know which ones you are supposed to accept, and which ones you must surpass. Do not waste your time trying to find the knowledge of the universe, that is Gods place and you cannot surpass it. Do spend time getting better at what you are good at and trying out what you are bad at. Limits are either for protection, or for shattering. There is no ‘in between’. If there was, I highly doubt the world would be like it is today.”

“The number of ways to live in one lifetime is limitless. So why limit yourself?”

“In the game of life, we all receive a set of variables and limitations in the field of play. We can either focus on the lack thereof or empower ourselves to create better realities with the pieces we play the game with.”

“The sky is not my limit…I am.”

“Believe in yourself, your abilities and your own potential. Never let self-doubt hold you captive. You are worthy of all that you dream of and hope for.”

“God has placed Himself squarely within the confines of my confines so that within my reach there lays the very thing that I need to break me out of those confines. Therefore, if I remain confined, it may be because I don’t understand that I’m confined. And if I don’t understand that I’m confined, I can be certain that I don’t understand my need for God. And that is likely the greatest confinement of all.”

“we are finite, in that we are a product and source of the infinite.”