“[S]omehow, without his being aware of it, time had coated his awe with a rind of disillusionment, and the wine of wonder had turned to vinegar.”

“She wanted none of those days to end, and it was always with disappointment that she watched the darkness stride forward. ”

“It comes down to ‘fear’ and ‘faith’. ‘Fear’ of what stands in front of me. ‘Faith’ in believing that the resources I possess can handle what stands in front of me. If I stop at the former, I will change nothing. If I embrace the latter, I can change everything.”

“If I’m on the ‘short-end of the stick’, there’s a really good chance that it was my shortness of vision that put me there.”

“I will try to disappoint youbetter than anyone else has.”

“God is our hope and strength. And hope never disappoints. (Romans 5:5). We can place our confidence in Him without fear.”

“Do not dwell on your loss. Look forward with bright new hopes.”

“If while alive you hurt or disappoint people you love, there’s no use continuing such behavior when you’re dead.”

“Only a few of us are going to be willing to break our own hearts by trading in the living beauty of imagination for the stark disappointment of words.”

“I really rarely meet someone with quality like this:has great expectation and persistent efforts to earn it,yet also had a high immunity against disappointment.Jarang sekali aku bertemu orang dengan kualitas seperti ini:memiliki harapan besar dan upaya gigih untuk mencapainya,namun juga punya kekebalan yang tinggi terhadap kekecewaan.”

“disappointment had to be postponed, hope kept alive as long as possible;”

“I’ll say I love you,Which will lead, of course,to disappointment,but those words unsaidpoison every next moment.I will try to disappoint youbetter than anyone else has.”

“My heart is burning a hole in my chest and every time you speak to me, it keeps sinking, and I’m left with nothing but ashes. I wish she were talking to me, because the more she speaks to me, the more my heart flutters like a rising phoenix.-Karen Quan and Jarod Kintz”

“Hope isn’t destiny. Left passive its nothing more than disappointment deferred”

“The stranded, walking a fine line between reality and illusion, constantly weaving through disappointment and hope, despite all, never stop dreaming of empathy and good feeling, while craving for attention and endorsement. (“No monsters hide at this point” )”