All Quotes By Tag: Believe-in-yourself
“You’ll always be curious yet deliriously sinking into whatever your nightmare is until you let your wings know you’re serious by leaping into your wildest dreams of self love.”
“If you’re struggling today, remember that life is worth living and believe that the best is yet to come. Remember that you are loved, you matter, and never forget that there is always hope.”
“Embrace your imperfections. We are not machines.”
“Trust what you feel.There are so many ways the heart speaks to us.”
“I do my best to put blinders one, but it’s impossible to ignore what is happening around me.”
“There is hero in everyone.Never doubt who you are.”
“The key ingredient to being successful is YOU. She encouraged herself, she believed in herself, she loved herself, and she NEVER doubted who she was. Her ambition, perseverance, resilience, and self-motivation were consistent. She was her own personal cheerleader every step of the way… She is me!”
“Keep marching boys and girls. Keep marching”
“Many were the steps taken in doubt, that saw their shapeless ends in no time. Those who travail in faith today will truimph in joy tomorrow. Let faith lead the way.”
“Faith has won it! Fear has lost it! When you get full of faith, the devil gets filled with fear! Keep your faith in light every day and you will keep the devil in fright always!”
“Distance yourself from negative people who try to lower your motivation and decrease your ambition. Create space for positive people to come into your life. Surround yourself with positive people who believe in your dreams, encourage your ideas, support your ambitions, and bring out the best in you.”
“When you start living the life of your dreams, there will always be obstacles, doubters, mistakes and setbacks along the way. But with hard work, perseverance and self-belief there is no limit to what you can achieve.”
“Surround yourself with people who believe in your dreams, encourage your ideas, support your ambitions, and bring out the best in you.”
“Spirituality is not adopting more beliefs and assumptions but uncovering the best in you.”
“A dream is a seed.Vision plants it.Imagination nurtures growth.Opportunities create blooms.Thoughts become things!”