“Life is too short Be with someone who takes your breath away”

“Every day something inside us dies because we do not have the courage to follow our dreams”

“Sometimes you’re trying so hard to get your life together and still it’s not enough, everything is falling apart. What to do, you’re asking. Just keep going through hell for yourself, not for everyone else. Richer with that wisdom, I will build my happiness from nothing. I will rise from the dust. And I will do it on my own. I will live for myself and I won’t look at the others.”

“if the rain you left behindfor me to deal withtaught me anything in this life,it would be that after every showerthere would be rays of sunso I will believe the sky when it criesthat all will be okayeventually.”

“We never really know what we give to someone else. Sometimes a few simple words may change someone’s life in a single moment.”

“Always Have Hope. Surprising Good Fortunes Are Heading Your Way!”

“Be Patient. All Storms Pass. The Sunshine Will Come. And There Will Be Joy!”

“Meghan Markle just single-handedly gave all divorced women more hope.”

“HOPE grows like a flower when someone in need knows that you care.”

“Happiness is always there. You just have to choose to see it. There’s no point dwelling in the dark and ignoring the light of the stars.”