“The only way the journey ends is if you stop moving.”

“I can only change the world by changing myself.”

“The Best Things In Life Aren’t So Sweet But Their Results Are Sweeter!”

“The true Christmas spirit is putting others’ happiness before our own, and finding you’ve never known such happiness.”

“Sometimes you’ve got to do things you dislike to get a life you’ll love to have. Sometimes you have to sacrifice joy and comfort in the present to get greater joy and comfort in the future.”

“How does one know you’ve “made it”?You no longer feel like you have anything to prove to anyone. You have no regrets or resentments from the past, anger that you’re working from. No people you want revenge on or songs you want to sing in order to finally speak your mind. Instead, you work from a place of wanting to do the work only, without any attachment to the outcome.”

“What if we fan theflames of Delightwhile we get to play in the dappled sunlight at the edge of time?”

“This is the best time to give away love and to create the flow of joy.”

“It is always worth itemizing happiness, there is so much of the other thing in a life, you had better put down the markers of happiness while you can.”

“I always wanted to know what it is right. Maybe we know each other from time immemorial, if you know that in you is the eternal energy of goodness, which is most important for you.”

“In the vastness of space and the immensity of time, it is my joy to share a planet and an epoch with Annie.[Dedication to Sagan’s wife, Ann Druyan, in Cosmos]”

“There are moments when I wish I could roll back the clock and take all the sadness away, but I have the feeling that if I did, the joy would be gone as well.”

“True freedom, which is full joy, is the complete recognition of law and adaptation to it. Bondage comes from ignorance of law or opposition to it.”

“Now is the time for you to truly live again, to laugh again, to love again, and to trust again. Your season of pain and struggle has come to an end. This is your season, this is your moment, take hold of everything that God has in store for you!”

“Good happens, every morning that the sun rises, every night that the moon shines, every moment that the earth turns. And if you’re brave enough to look in the elephant’s eye, you see, finally, that behind the sadness there is joy.”