All Quotes By Tag: Appreciation
“There is joy in every circumstance. Although the beginning is/might be bitter, there are valuables lessons in between that bring joy.”
“The Christmas after Mom & Dad split up, they both went crazy buying us presents. Matt, Jonny, and I were showered with gifts at home and at Dads apartment. I thought that was great. I was all in favor of my love being paid for with presents. This year all I got was a diary and a secondhand watch. Okay, I know this is corny, but this really is what Christmas is all about.”
“Expressing authentic appreciation doesn’t cost you anything and the outcomes are simply wonderful.”
“Everyone just wasting time because they have so much of it to waste, minutes slipping by on who’s with who and did you hear.”
“You can’t just write and write and put things in a drawer. They wither without the warm sun of someone else’s appreciation.”
“Respect cannot be inherited, respect is the result of right actions.”
“Some of the best things that have ever happened to us wouldn’t have happened to us, if it weren’t for some of the worst things that have ever happened to us.”
“Life sometimes reminds us that it is sometimes heartless by giving something or someone we really need to someone who does not need or even want them or it.”
“Sometimes witchraft is when the heart is full of hate that it consumes your mind not appreciate good things that are done by other people.”
“Appreciation is a better stimulant than money. Money boosts the ego, but appreciation touches the soul.”
“To change your enemies forever, practice forgiveness, appreciation, and kindness towards them.”
“The best way to be appreciative for your life is to live it; don’t die for any other reason but love. Dreams are what guide us, art is what defines us, math is makes it all possible, and love is what lights our way.”
“Just please understand that everyone is going through a rough time as well. Even if they are hiding behind money or a simple smile. We are all continuously stumbling as we go about our lives. If we had perfect lives we’d all be perfect people. Only thing we can learn to do is endure or we will not be happy and happiness is the closest thing to perfect.”
“Being in the habit of saying “Thank you,” of making sure that people receive attention so they know you value them, of not presuming that people will always be there–this is a good habit, regardless…make sure to give virtual and actual high-fives to those who rock and rock hard.”
“An appreciation of what you have brings the ultimate abundance in your life.”