“To be a successful person, never wait for inspiration, appreciation, or approval. Drive on with absolute enthusiasm against all odds. You will reach your destination and be an inspiration to others.”

“After you hear and listen. First must come desire. Second must come willingness.Third should come understanding.Fourth should come progression and with progression will come more understanding.”

“Vanquish the blaze of pride, greed, and envy with appreciation, kindness, and compassion.”

“We don’t have to meet people where they are, we just have to love them where they are to find any sort of peace. This is something I learned from being my mother’s child.”

“The mind is like a flower. It does not bloom without the lights of appreciation, encouragement, and love.”

“Here is little habit that can make a big difference. Send sunbeams. Intentionally send a word of encouragement or appreciation every day to one person.”

“When you give appreciation IN ORDER TO get something– it’s manipulation and people can sense it. Appreciate genuinely.”

“In prison, I fell in love with my country. I had loved her before then, but like most young people, my affection was little more than a simple appreciation for the comforts and privileges most Americans enjoyed and took for granted. It wasn’t until I had lost America for a time that I realized how much I loved her. ”

“Some books are undeservedly forgotten; none are undeservedly remembered.”

“Music has always been a matter of Energy to me, a question of Fuel. Sentimental people call it Inspiration, but what they really mean is Fuel. I have always needed Fuel. I am a serious consumer. On some nights I still believe that a car with the gas needle on empty can run about fifty more miles if you have the right music very loud on the radio.”

“It is impossible for your reasons to be unhappy to exceed those to be happy.”

“Life isn’t always a bed of roses. However, having once seen, smelled, and touched roses, I am forever changed for the better. So my down moments are just that, moments.”

“What I currently have are the resources that allow me to obtain what I don’t. Therefore, to forget what I ‘do have’ in the pursuit of what I ‘don’t’ is to insure that whatever I don’t have, I won’t have.”