All Quotes By Tag: Pursuit
“Pursuit Of Knowledge Is An Attempt To Discover Established Principles Of The Kingdom Of God”
“In pursuit of knowledge, every day something is acquired. In pursuit of wisdom, every day something is dropped.”
“In the pursuit of wholeness, there will surely be challenges but you need to keep going.”
“Chasing a person doesn’t give you value or build values in you. You earn your value by chasing morality and practicing dignity.”
“Everything you want in life is a relationship away.”
“How tragic it is to find that an entire lifetime is wasted in pursuit of distractions while purpose is neglected.”
“Pursue your dreams, not your problems.”
“If we delight in God, He shall give us our hearts desires.”
“There are no destinations in the journey of love, it’s the name of a ceaseless pursuit of fragrances in the scorching deserts.”
“You have to be confident enough to persevere in your pursuit.”
“The way of success is the way of continuous pursuit of knowledge.”
“What I currently have are the resources that allow me to obtain what I don’t. Therefore, to forget what I ‘do have’ in the pursuit of what I ‘don’t’ is to insure that whatever I don’t have, I won’t have.”
“I believe our clever young man has intuited that while only the pursuit of happiness is promised to all Americans, unhappiness is guaranteed for many.”
“Your most important “want” should be the one you can control!”
“I used to float along in all of this, like a leaf on a coursing stream, but i am heavier now, less easily moved, more resolute and steadfast. I am no longer in pursuit of happiness. As I stand here at my front door, key in hand, I think it is just possible that happiness, at least for now, today, this hour, may be in pursuit of me.”