“There was a time when I was alone because I felt rejected. And then I fell in love with alone. But once I danced, I fell in love with the movement of life.”

“Act as if everyone loves you.Be in love with everyone. Hug people with your words.”

“We don’t have to meet people where they are, we just have to love them where they are to find any sort of peace. This is something I learned from being my mother’s child.”

“Love EVERYONE! Best self-protection around!And it’s free!”

“The mourning process can feel like going through a carwash without a car.”

“Life isn’t always a bed of roses. However, having once seen, smelled, and touched roses, I am forever changed for the better. So my down moments are just that, moments.”

“The mind is like a stage. So shine the spotlight on something that makes you feel good.”

“I now believe in the power of feeling my vibrant soul-self. In this space there is always love. In this space I am always free.”

“Today I choose self acceptance. Today I choose to walk in the direction of simply what feels good to me. Today I believe my spirit instead of my thoughts. Today I am free.”

“Our kids will always be our children but they will not always be kids.”

“I believe in the power of self-acceptance. I am confident, strong, brave and beautiful.”

“Dear anxiety, it’s over. We won’t being seeing much of each other any longer. I now know that I’m here to shine and that the Universe has my back so there’s no room for you in my life. This is about you, not me. Adios.”

“It is empowering to think in terms of divine order. We are all loved children of this infinite and beautiful Universe. There is a raison d’etre for where we are and why we manage to endure. Looking for the lesson in something dark is a powerful way of not becoming absorbed by it.”