“جزء من القوة الحقيقة للسلبية يكمن أحيانا في السلبية نفسها في كونها أسهل في كون البشر يميلون أحيانا إلى عدم تحمل المسؤولية و يستسهلون السلب ,الإيجابية فعل مواجهة و هو يتطلب المخاطرة و قد يحتمل الخسارة كما الربح.”

“If I told you to wish for good health, you would think I’m ridiculous; but when I exchange the word “wish” for the word “pray”, you believe it can work. That is the disempowering delusion religions have brought us.”

“The greatest power is the power of pray.”

“Some of the best things that have ever happened to us wouldn’t have happened to us, if it weren’t for some of the worst things that have ever happened to us.”

“Only when we pray for one another, we will have peace.”

“Whoever calls on the Savior, shall be saved.”

“The godly shall pray to God.”

“We perish because we fail to pray to God.”

“Whatever you wish for, you can have with hopeful patient wait.”

“Pray for a clearer path.”

“Pray for miracles, but plant cabbages.”

“Wherever you are, you can pray.”

“Be your own god, and never forget to pray to be better.”

“Die, die we all pass away, But don’t wear a frown coz it’s really okay,And you might try to hide, And you might try to pray,But we all end up remains of the day.”