“He knew his words could not convey the impossible love he felt for her, so he held her stare and hoped (prayed!) she would understand the immensity of it all.”

“باب في السماء علّه يُفتح، ودعوات تنتظر إستجابه.”

“What can we do in any hardship? We can hope with prayerful praise.”

“Pray daily.”

“The spirit of a man shall sustain him in his sick bed.”

“Be patient in painful times.”

“What a delight to desire to pray?”

“Praying is a realm of possibilities.”

“To pray is a possible act.”

“The only power there is, is the power to pray.”

“Whatever you wish for, you can have, if only you can wait prayerfully.”

“Pray , if you must prevailed.”

“Every prayer is a possibility.”