“Praying is a prevailing force.”

“Praying is a precious privilege.”

“O heavenly Father increase our Faith.”

“نیایش در طول تاریخ، یک عامل بزرگ تلطیف روح آدمی است.”

“Praying is passionate faith.”

“With prayer, we shall keep our heart pure.”

“Our Father in heaven” — I am a child away from home.”Your name be honored as holy”–I am a worshiper.”Your kingdom come”–I am a subject.”Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”–I am a servant.”Give us today our daily bread”–I am a beggar.”And forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors”–I am a sinner.”And do not bring us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one”–I am a sinner in danger of being a still greater sinner.”

“The enemy knows God has a purpose and plan for your life. The enemy is the one who wants you to give up.”

“In your handsThe dog, the donkey, surely they know They are alive.Who would argue otherwise?But now, after years of consideration, I am getting beyond that.What about the sunflowers? What about The tulips, and the pines?Listen, all you have to do is start and There’ll be no stopping.What about mountains? What about water Slipping over rocks?And speaking of stones, what about The little ones you can Hold in your hands, their heartbeats So secret, so hidden it may take yearsBefore, finally, you hear them?”

“…be awake to the Life that is loving you andsing your prayer, laugh your prayer, dance your prayer, runand weep and sweat your prayer,sleep your prayer, eat your prayer, paint, sculpt, hammer, and read your prayer, sweep, dig, rake, drive and hoe your prayer,garden and farm and build and clean your prayer,wash, iron, vacuum, sew, embroider and pickle your prayer,compute, touch, bend and fold but never deleteor mutilate your prayer.Learn and play your prayer, work and rest your prayer,fast and feast your prayer, argue, talk, whisper, listen and shout your prayer,groan and moan and spit and sneeze your prayer,swim and hunt and cook your prayer,digest and become your prayer,release and recover your prayer,breathe your prayer, be your prayer”

“Purify your heart with prayer.”

“Praying is a persuasive act.”

“A single prayer can alter your destiny if you have enough faith to believe. If this can be true, pray daily prayers for that someone, too.”

“Hope is full assurance of faith.”

“Praying is a realm of possibilities.”