All Quotes By Tag: Advice-for-daily-living
“Be the girl you want your daughter to be. Be the girl you want your son to date. Be classy, be smart, be real, but most importantly be nice.”
“Life’s a marathon, not a sprint.”
“Amendment to live by-J.O.Y.Jesus first, Others second, Yourself last.”
“The way to wealth is as plain as the way to market. It depends chiefly on two words, industry and frugality: that is, waste neither time nor money, but make the best use of both. Without industry and frugality nothing will do, and with them everything.”
“If you can’t be advised you can’t advance”
“فكر قبل أن تتكلم، واقرأ قبل أن تفكر”
“The circumstances surrounding your birth is not as important as the opportunity to live life.”
“Think before you speak. Read before you think.”
“Don’t be in a hurry to achieve your dreams. Take a day to play with your kids and relax – your dreams will still be there tomorrow.”
“I love to walk. Walking is a spiritual journey and a reflection of living. Each of us must determine which path to take and how far to walk; we must find our own way, what is right for one may not be for another. There is no single right way to deal with late stage cancer, to live life or approach death, or to walk an old mission trail.”
“What’s the use of complaining about something you have no intentions of changing it?”
“It is foolish to tear one’s hair in grief, as though sorrow would be made less by baldness.”
“May I share with you a formula that in my judgment will help you and help me to journey well through mortality… First, fill your mind with truth; second, fill your life with service; and third, fill your heart with love.”
“Sit in a room and read–and read and read. And read the right books by the right people. Your mind is brought onto that level, and you have a nice, mild, slow-burning rapture all the time.”
“Do all the good you can,By all the means you can,In all the ways you can,In all the places you can,At all the times you can,To all the people you can,As long as ever you can.”